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Technology at Southwestern


We are currently 1:1 in all grades K-12 with iPads and Chromebooks. Students in PreSchool and Kindergarten utilize iPads and students in grades 1-12 use Chromebooks. Grades PreK, K, 1, and 2 leave their devices at school and grades 3-12 take their devices home. The iPads and Chromebooks are used to supplement the elementary curriculum through the use of varying supportive apps such as IXL, Reading Eggs, NWEA, ALEKS, Redbird, and a wide variety of others. 

In grades 3 -6, the focus is to prepare the students for the move to the junior/senior high school. The adoption of Chromebooks allows students to begin working with Google apps, sharing work in their Google Drive and collaborating with others. 

At the junior senior high Google Apps for Education (GAFE) has been fully implemented in grades 7-12. Students and teachers are able to freely communicate through email and shared work. Feedback is continuous and dynamic. 

Staff and students also use Google Classroom. The app makes it easy for teachers to assign work, collaborate with students, and allows for group online discussions.

By using the devices as textbooks we will be able to sustain the 1:1 project through textbook rental fees. Funding will gradually move from CPF funds freeing monies that can be used for other technology needs in the classrooms.

We are also keenly aware that many of our students do not have Internet access at home. This limits their ability to participate in anytime learning, flipped classroom activities and online "snow" days. We currently run a hotspot loaner program so that students without Internet at home can connect. For more information on low cost Internet check out this link: or call  800-446-2031. If you are looking to loan a hotspot from the school, please contact the Technology Department or the front office for the paperwork.

Check out the live Facebook and Twitter feeds on the homepage of either school. You do not have to have a Twitter account to follow the latest happenings. From sports events to social activities and important school announcements tweets come from the school administrators.

Southwestern Consolidated School Corporation considers technology integral to our learning environment and believes that it will only continue to grow in importance. In this age, students denied access to modern technology resources would be as unable to function in the learning environment as students denied books or pencils.

Therefore, given that a wide variety of digital electronic devices and Internet based technologies are utilized at all grade levels across the curriculum in support of teaching, learning, and assessing traditional and technology standards, given that many traditional resources are now available online only, and given our requirement and obligation as a school district to teach technology standards and digital citizenship, the use of modern educational resources such as computers and the Internet is an acknowledged condition of enrollment at SWCSC. 

- Zachary Sprout
Technology Director
317-729-5746 ext. 3230