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School is Open
School is Open

Welcome To Southwestern Consolidated Schools!

Why Southwestern?

Southwestern CSC offers big learning opportunities in a small school setting.  Small schools always offer a stronger sense of community for students, parents, teachers and support staff than districts with large enrollments can provide.  Small schools and smaller class sizes allow us to have personal relationships that lead to an enriched school environment.  We work more closely with students to offer instruction and learning opportunities focused on individual learning needs to achieve State Standards.  Families have a sense of belongingness in our schools and we are known for the safety and security that we offer.  In our small schools we have big Technology that provides 1:1 Chromebooks to facilitate student learning.  We take care of our students socially and educationally.

We also care for students’ extracurricular interests and needs with high quality facilities and a variety of after school activities that keep students involved in school.  We celebrate our students academically and athletically with a strong social media presence.  Southwestern CSC takes care of children’s needs by eliminating as many obstacles as possible and highlighting successes!

Southwestern is accepting applications for open enrollment for students in kindergarten through grade 9 from other school districts who appreciate the family-oriented individualized attention that we offer.  Applications may be picked up at the district’s Administrative Office from 7:30-4:00 or by using the links below. 


Jr./Sr. High


Inside/Outside Southwestern

From the outside looking in, we are Southwestern...the small country school nestled between cornfields...
From the outside looking in, we are Southwestern...with classrooms where friends become family...
From the outside looking in, we are Southwestern...the small tight knit community who thrives on family values...
From the inside, we love what we do and we show up everyday for our kids and our community and we stay...
From the inside, we teach abc’s and 123’s and we stay...
From the inside, we make learning fun under the guidance of our fearless leader and we stay…
From the inside, we work as a team and we problem solve as a team and we stay...
From the inside, we combine careers with passion for lightbulb moments and we stay...
From the inside, we laugh together, we cry together, and we work hard together...
Because...We are Southwestern!

We challenge you to spend time in our hallways and in our classrooms!!
Our Elementary building is amazing! Our leader is amazing! And our children are amazing!
This is Southwestern. We are Southwestern and we will not lose sight of what’s most important!!

Welcome Dr. Jamie Wilkins

The Southwestern Consolidated School District Board of Education appointed Dr. Jamison Wilkins as Superintendent during a Special Meeting on May 30, 2024. He earned his doctorate from Ball State University and is fully licensed as a superintendent in the State of Indiana. He joins us after 14 years of leadership in Northwest Allen County Schools. With his wife and four daughters present, Dr. Wilkins expressed his great excitement at becoming the district's new leader. Board President, Derrek Tennell, said, "We feel very fortunate to have a new leader of the caliber of Dr. Wilkins. He brings decades of experience in all levels of education. He is a great addition to the Southwestern Community and we look forward to working with him."

Dr. Wilkins will assume his responsibilities on July 1, 2024.


The family of Dr Jamison Wilkin's looks on as he signs his contract to become SWSD Superintendent

Proud of What We Do!

Education: a debt due from present to future generations.

- George Peabody

At Southwestern Consolidated Schools students receive quality instruction in a caring environment with strong community and parental support. We are honored to have the opportunity to influence the next generation and are committed to meeting the needs of all of our students. Our teachers work tirelessly to provide the best instruction possible for our students. As well as having a strong general curriculum, we also provide differentiated instruction for our high ability and special education students.

Please peruse our website to learn more about who we are and the outstanding quality we offer our students. If you have questions, please contact us. Thank you for your interest in Southwestern Consolidated Schools.
Academic Success

Southwestern is proud to be a district that values and encourages academic excellence. Learn About Us!

Programs & Services

We offer Pre-school, full day Kindergarten, dual credit, AP classes, vocational training and support a wide variety of extracurricular opportunities such as our FFA program and athletics.

1:1 with iPads and Chromebooks from PK-12th grade with a fully wireless campus, SWCSC exposes students to a wide range of emerging technologies.
The Spartan Cupboard is open on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 5:15-6:15 p.m. For questions about the pantry only, please contact Joanna Yeend: 317-696-9931